Who are Northumbria University?
Northumbria University creates and applies knowledge to transform lives and makes a powerful cultural and economic impact. We constantly search for new ways to challenge, innovate and improve and have a thriving research community.
The result is a growing reputation for academic excellence and increasing success in the national league tables, staff and student awards, professional accreditations and research funding bids.
What projects/schemes/initiatives to support women’s recruitment, retention and progression in STEM are Northumbria University involved in?
Athena Swan offers a valuable framework for introducing cultural changes that create a better working environment for both men and women. The Bronze Award recognises the current efforts of the University in this area, and also puts in place a 3 year ‘Action Plan’ to improve gender equality in SET. NUWise, is a University network established to support and develop the careers of female staff and PhD students working in the SET areas at Northumbria, as well as Think Physics, a collaborative project using physics to inspire young people, particularly women to work and study in the SET disciplines. Individual SET Departments are also encouraged and supported in applying for Athena SWAN awards at departmental level that recognise localised good practice building on the efforts of the wider University initiative.
Why did Northumbria University join WISE?
Northumbria University is proud to be a multi-cultural community; we value diversity, and are determined to ensure that the opportunities we provide are open to all. Equality and Diversity strongly underpins the University’s Vision 2025 and Corporate Strategy 2013 – 2018. We intend to become a Higher Education Institution which is recognised for its good practice in this area and the development of a culture where we maximise the potential of all our staff and students and equip our students for life in a multicultural and diverse society.