My Skills My Life Teachers Area

My Skills My Life in the Classroom

My Skills My Life is unlike any other career tool out there – rather than focusing on the careers themselves, role models form the core of the resource. It showcases brilliant women working in STEM to your pupils.

Teachers can tailor sessions to be flexible around your timetable and curriculum. You can lead sessions yourselves or invite ambassadors in to run these sessions. You can use our online bank of role model profiles or invite real-life role models to join the sessions. 


my skills my life training course


My Skills My Life Ambassador Course 

WISE have received funding from the 1851 Commission to train ambassadors to run the My Skills My Life programme across the country. This is a basic course providing you with the necessary resources to run a session. You will be able to run sessions with your students and invite role models into your school to join. Access this here

UTC Reading – A Case Study 


Read all about how UTC Reading led and ran their very own My Skills My Life session for International Women’s Day 2021

Invite WISE Role Models to Your School

role models in STEM ambassador training

We have over 1,000 fantastic role models featured on our My Skills My Life platform and many of them are keen to support sessions in schools. If you would like to invite role models into your school as part of My Skills My Life sessions, please do the following: 


You will need to create a ‘teacher’ account at , from there, you will be able to read all about each of the role models. You can use the filter tool to find role models local to your area. 


Many of our role models have a tag on their profile called ‘Happy to be contacted by a school’. If you would like to invite specific role models with this tag, please email with the name of the role model and details about what you’d like to get from your session (you can also use this email address for a general callout for role models).

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