Webinar packages

WISE’s understands that all organisations have different areas of focus and challenges in the EDI strategy; whether identified internally or via our Gender Equity diagnostic, organisations need training and support that is aligned to key priorities.

By offering a package of three webinars, WISE aim to provide the means of addressing the issues that matter to them.

The three sessions, each an hour in length, can be focused on any topic within EDI; WISE work with organisations to develop content that’s going to have the biggest impact and be as relevant as possible. 

Using Slido to facilitate easy audience engagement, the webinars can be shared and attended across the organisation, thus maximising reach and engagement with the topics in question. Interactive activities, empirical studies and experienced trainers are all key features of this TSM. 

Examples of previous webinar topics include: 

    • How to be an Ally 
    • Understanding and mitigating against Unconscious Bias 
    • Microaggressions and Microincivilities
    • How to build your personal network
    • How to create a development plan 
    • How to be a coach and mentor in the workplace

    Important Information:

    • Accessible to: Members & Non-members
    • Active Members Price: £3,195 (Ex VAT)
    • Online & non-members Price: £3,995 (Ex VAT)
    • Participants: Unlimited 
    • Lead time: 2-4 weeks 
    • Duration: 1-hour per webinar
    • Delivery method: Online only

    What Members have said...

    "Thank you Jack for giving an insight into micro aggressions - I really liked your last take home message. Just because micro aggressions no longer look like they used to does not mean they have disappeared. Great quote!"
    Microincivilities & Microaggressions

    Training Enquiry

    Enquire below to book your training or workshop session. Don’t forget that WISE members receive discounts on all bookings.