Who are Waters?

Waters Corporation is a technology company delivering scientific insights to improve human health and well-being. In partnership with our customers, we ensure the efficacy of the medicines you take, the safety of the food you eat and the water you drink, and the quality of the everyday products you use. Together, we unlock the potential of science to leave this world better than we found it.

Did you know…

  • The name Waters comes from the late founder of the company, Jim Waters.
  • Every year we have our annual Enterprise Awards, the goal of this program is to provide employees the ability to recognize colleagues who have demonstrated outstanding impact and exemplify the best of Waters!
  • We have an annual intern program where we welcome students to complete a summer project with us; in 2022 we welcomed 150 students across the globe.

Waters is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace that is representative of the societies we live in. Our approach to DEI is designed to shift mindsets, foster inclusive behaviours, and encourage increased representation of employees with diverse backgrounds.

We all benefit from more inclusive teams whose members respect and value each other’s perspectives and contributions. Our employee resource groups (ERGS) provide an inclusive space for employees to connect, build awareness, learn from each other, and support fellow teammates throughout the world.

We have Employee Circles including Pride, People of Colour, Women, Veterans and Disability Circles and 8 regional Hubs all provide opportunities to celebrate various identities and time for employees to learn from one another. All our resource groups contribute to initiatives and activities that will continue building a culture of respect, value, and learning

What projects / schemes / initiatives to support women’s recruitment, retention and progression in STEM are Waters involved in?

Waters is committed to fostering an inclusive workplace where diversity in all forms can thrive. Becoming a workplace that celebrates difference and new ideas is not only our responsibility, but it will also help us to solve problems that matter by harnessing the totality of the perspectives, beliefs, and backgrounds of all our employees.

Waters is focused on the recruitment and retention of women across the globe. We work closely with multiple organizations to support the recruitment and retention of women, like our partnership with Women in Manufacturing and Females in Mass Spectrometry.  At Waters, we focus on inclusion – ensuring that every one of our team members can bring their whole selves to work and feel that they have an awesome opportunity to contribute. Our Women at Waters employee resource group provides opportunities for women and allies to connect across the organization, supporting each other through mentorship, sponsorship, and learning.

We recognise the benefits of having a diverse workforce, we want to learn from other organizations and share our experiences and challenges in improving gender balance in our workforce. Providing support to the women who already work for us and reaching out to the next generation of women scientists, technicians and engineers is important to us for the future of our business and in showcasing the fantastic careers we have to offer.

Why did Waters join WISE?

“Waters recognizes the importance of the work that WISE is doing to enable and promote the participation, contribution and success of women in the UK STEM workforce. This mission is aligned with our DEI focus and global strategic goals as we aim to increase representation and inclusion of women in our STEM community.
– Jess Lee Diversity Equity and Inclusion Director

“Waters has joined the WISE campaign as we are committed to helping employees achieve their career goals and in particular would like focus on providing additional support our female colleagues. We would also like to encourage the growth of our female workforce and encourage females to select a STEM career.”
– Eilis Rattigan, Director HR, Europeu