How I came to STEM
During a GCSE physics class, my teacher did a presentation on all the jobs you could do with physics, from understanding what makes up the universe, to harnessing the elements to produce energy. From that day I knew I wanted to be a physicist, whatever that meant, and to have so many career possibilities.
I thoroughly enjoyed studying it at A-level and learning about so many different topics, but did find it very challenging! However, I was fortunate enough to gain a place at university to study physics, and it was here that I began to flourish thanks to a female professor who believed in my potential. I started to specialise in applied nuclear physics, and even got to build my own radiation detector for my Master’s project! I loved the hands-on approach to research and seeing real-world applications of my physics knowledge.
After my degree, I decided to stay in academia and started a PhD which took me to study in Finland. I enjoyed my time there but realised it was too theoretical, and I much preferred to be in the scientific industry, so chose to end my studies after the first year. It was then that I joined the AWE graduate scheme as a physicist, and I haven’t looked back since!
It’s been quite a difficult journey to get to where I am now, but thanks to support from people I looked up to at university, and my own hard work, I’m in a place where I can do what I love every day!
What I’m proud of, & what I’m hoping to achieve through the WYPB
WISE representation is, inherently, for women, but that doesn’t mean the burden of reaching equality must solely be recognised by them. Males also have a responsibility to help achieve a balanced workforce, and by promoting proactivity around this I hope to help speed up the inevitable equilibrium of STEM genders.
I’m very passionate about social issues such as gender equality and strive to educate people and promote these issues wherever possible. I can’t wait to join the WYPB and have a real impact on shaping the way we address gender imbalance, as well as representing WISE by running outreach initiatives to promote and inform school and university level women of fascinating STEM courses and career options. I think it’s vital that everyone has the same opportunities afforded to them, and can achieve a career they aspire to, but this isn’t available for all women. However, together we can continue to bring about positive change within STEM fields, raising the representation of women within business and industry. I don’t look to speak for women, but to use my voice to call for equal representation and inclusion.

Posts, Projects & Events
- Project: WISE Code-breaking puzzle competition.
- Blog: How to improve STEM workplace culture
- Webinar Panellist: Meet the WISE Young Professionals’ Board