Software Engineer, Capgemini Engineering: Hybrid Intelligence

How I Came To STEM

I was always the annoying kid in school who would finish the maths worksheet as quickly as they could and then start distracting everyone else (sorry Miss Pendle). I loved to challenge myself and see if I could beat past-Elisha. I could never decide which was my favourite between chemistry, physics, or maths, so I chose a degree in all three: Chemistry and Molecular Physics at the University of Nottingham. It wasn’t until I left university and started looking for jobs, I realised the underlying theme was problem solving. When I saw the advert for my current role had ‘loves problem solving’ in the requirements for applicants, I realised this was perfect for me.

Now here I am, a software engineer at Capgemini Engineering: Hybrid Intelligence, with a background in quantum chemistry and an affinity for problem solving.

Why I Love What I Do

I love problem solving and I love a good challenge. In software development there are always problems to be solved and a million different ways of solving them which means you get to be creative in the way you develop solutions too. I love working in teams of people where you can work together to solve a bigger problem than you would have been able to as individuals. I think one of the coolest things about Hybrid Intelligence is that there are so many amazing people to learn from and no challenge is too hard; someone will always have an answer to your question, no matter how whacky.

What I’m Proud Of, & What I’m Hoping To Achieve Through The WYPB

Historically, the onus to drive change has fallen to the members of minority groups themselves. Whilst it’s understandable that those most affected by inequality may have the strongest drive to foster change, support from our male allies is fundamental to make faster progress and avoid burnout in minority group members. This is why I’m passionate about the mission of WISE being led by all genders and not just the minorities it affects most. I want to pioneer new ways of taking the conversation outside of our current audience and creating cultures that foster everyday conversations about gender diversity and inclusion, leading by example in my own company, and gaining WIS(E)dom from others on the WYPB.