Diversity tends to indicate variety when discussed in a general sense.
However, when talking about diversity in society or a workforce it is a positive word that describes the many different backgrounds, knowledge and skills contained.
WISE works with member companies to help them bring a recognition and respect for diversity into the workplace.
There are many characteristics that generate diversity as the chart on the right illustrates.
Traditionally, Core-STEM workforce roles have been taken up by a non-diverse group – primarily white, university-educated, heterosexual males. WISE’s goal is to increase the proportion of women within the STEM workforce.
For example, in 2022 women make up 47.6% of the workforce but just 26.6% of the Core-STEM workforce, WISE is working to increase this number. Many of our members also look at the metrics of other groups who are under-represented in Core-STEM such as ethnic minorities (who make up 13.8% of the population).
Our flagship programme, The WISE Ten Steps, aims to overcome barriers and challenges and foster a diverse working environment that creates a feeling of belonging for everyone, regardless of their gender or background.