Girls continue to outperform boys in the majority of STEM subjects at GCSE.
Overall GCSE entries have increased, and STEM entries are on the rise too – representing 43% of the total entries this year, compared to 41% in 2017. Girls represent 48% of the total STEM entries at GCSE, the same as in 2017.
Similarly to A Level, Computing GCSE is on the rise – with 14% more girls taking the subject that in 2017.

The number of girls taking Construction GCSE has increased by 56%; girls now represent 7% of entries to the subject, although from a very small base. There is further work to be done, but this is a step in the right direction.
The Science subjects have undergone a big transition this year, as Additional Science and Further Additional Science have been cut and the Science Double Award has been introduced. Entrance levels in Biology, Physics and Chemistry have soared this year. Girls have continued to achieve in these subjects – with 90% of girls attaining an 9-4 across each of them.

Girls are continuing to outperform boys in the majority of STEM subjects, with 67% of girls achieving A*-C/9-4 grades, compared to 63% of boys.
- In Construction, 100% of girls achieved A*-C grades (vs. 78% of boys).
- In Additional Maths, 97% of girls achieved 9-4 grades (vs. 94% of boys).
- In Biology, 90% of girls achieved 9-4 grades (vs. 89% of boys).
- In Chemistry, 90% of girls achieved 9-4 grads (vs. 89% of boys).
- In Physics, 90% of girls achieved 9-4 grads (vs. 91% of boys).
- In Statistics, 77% of girls achieved A*-C grades (vs. 70% of boys).
- In Design & Technology, 75% of girls achieved A*-C grades (vs. 55% of boys).
- In ICT, 73% of girls achieved A*-C grades (vs. 64% of boys).
- In Science, 71% of girls achieved 9-4 grades (vs. 62% of boys).
- In Computing, 65% of girls achieved 9-4 grades (vs. 61% of boys).
- In Engineering, 62% of girls achieved A*-C grades (vs. 44% of boys).
- In Science (Double Award) 59% of girls achieved 9-4 grades (vs. 53% of boys).
- In Maths, 59% of girls achieved 9-4 grades (vs. 60% of boys).
Maths and Physics were the only subjects in which boys were slightly ahead of girls, by just 1%.