Your Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) efforts can be greatly enhanced by Reverse Mentoring training. WISE provides interactive Reverse Mentoring training which provides senior leaders with the opportunity to build genuine awareness of others’ experiences and perspectives.
This training successfully brings to light the barriers faced by colleagues from underrepresented groups within an organisation. Whilst educating senior leaders on EDI topics and diverse experiences, it also results in the forming of new relationships, supporting the talent pipeline.
What is Reverse Mentoring?
Reverse Mentoring is a role reversal activity where a junior employee takes up, the role of mentor to a more senior colleague. This is designed so that the junior employee can share their expertise and experiences with their senior colleagues, who may be less familiar with these topics.
This may include covering how unconscious bias has prohibited their development, how recruitment practices could be made more inclusive and their knowledge of how to be an effective ally is the workplace.
More on Reverse Mentoring here.
WISE Reverse Mentoring Modules
Our Reverse Mentoring training comprises of two modules. Depending on your organisation’s experience with reverse mentoring and EDI maturity, these modules can be purchased separately or as a bundle.
Bundle Pricing:
Active Members: £4,000 (Ex VAT)
Online & non-members: £5,000 (Ex VAT)
Module One | Create & Manage an Effective Programme
Running an effective Reverse Mentoring programme takes time, knowledge, and support for it to be successful. Our first module focuses on covering the end-to-end process of delivering a Reverse Mentoring programme, supporting you through each and every step.
Our sessions achieve this by sharing helpful frameworks and insights that provide an effective structure for approaching, creating, and executing each of the respective stages a Reverse Mentoring programme entails.
Session Structure
Understanding Reverse Mentoring
The session will start with a detailed overview of what Reverse Mentoring is. What are the aims? What benefits you can expect to see?
How to Set the Programme Objectives
Here we’ll help you clearly define and structure your objectives, as they provide a critical foundation that will define the success of your programme.
Programme Rules
Rules affect both programme participants and the facilitators. How can you use rules to make your programme as impactful as possible? What rules are must-haves and nice-to-haves?
Promotion & Communication
All programmes need mentors and mentees to run. How do you maximise their buy-in? Here we’ll show you how you can use the AIDA model to structure your communications and maximise buy-in.
Programme Recruitment
Understanding how to recruit mentors and mentees for your programme is imperative. How do you approach your audience and what makes them different?
Profiling & Matching
Mentoring is a relationship and requires a connection to made if it is to work. Which is why building rich profiles and using them to inform the matching process is imperative. But how do you achieve this?
Programme Support & Tracking
Mentoring is not a quick process and participants often require ongoing support and their progress to be tracked. This section will help you understand what support the participants needs, looking at how it can be provided and what methods can be used.
Surveying & Feedback
Finally, we will end with how to demonstrate impact, by understanding how you can capture the insights gathered from those that took part. What data can be used to inform organisational change, as well as feedback that will drive the future development of your reverse mentoring programme in the years to come.
Post the delivery of this training session, we will send you both a certificate of completion and a follow-up toolkit. The toolkit will consolidate the learnings and insights provided in the session, with additional exercises and actionable steps for your organisation to follow
Important Information:
- Accessible to: Members & non-members
- Active Members price: £1,995 (Ex VAT)
- Online & non-members price: £2,495 (Ex VAT)
- Participants: Up to 20
- Lead time: Minimum four weeks
- Duration: Approximately three hours
- Delivery method: Online & in-person (extra charge for in-person delivery)
Module Two | Mentor and Mentee Training
Module two is a tailored approach, designed to provide the next step on your Reverse Mentoring journey.
For many, this will be their first time experiencing such a role reversal. Combined with new responsibilities, it can be hard for even the most senior or experienced employees to acclimatise themselves to the change, let alone for those more junior or inexperienced colleagues.
The aim of the mentor and mentee training session is to educate both the mentors and mentees on the specifics of your reverse mentoring programme, as well as what their roles require of them.
This is facilitated by a blended learning approach, which mixes icebreaker activities, and research driving frameworks and models for them to use throughout the programme.
We will work with you on customisable content to help educate the mentors and mentees on the specifics unique to your programme.
Session Structure
Programme Objectives
This section can be fully customised by you and will be informed by your programme aims and aspirations, as well as how the programme will operate. This will ensure everyone receives the same information, so they understand what they are working towards.
Your Role as a Mentor
This is where the real training starts. Being a mentor requires a range of skills and holds a high level of responsibility; our aim is to make the role as simple as possible, and we’ll help provide the tools to make it so.
Your Role as a Mentee
Being a mentee requires listening, understanding, and openness; our aim is to make the role as simple as possible, and we’ll help provide the tools to make it so.
Common Challenges
We want to help the participants get their mentoring relationship off to the best start possible and show them how they can maintain it over the programme lifecycle. The final section aims to provide foresight on possible challenges, meeting structures and feedback methods.
Post the delivery of this training session, we will send you a follow-up toolkit. The toolkit will consolidate the learnings and insights provided in the session, giving both the mentees and mentors an actionable set of resources, they can use to ensure a successful relationship is formed and the objectives of your programme are realised.
Important Information:
- Accessible to: WISE members & non-members
- Active member price: £2,500 (Ex VAT)
- Online & non-member price: £2,995 (Ex VAT)
- Participants: 50 mentoring pairs (100 people)
- Lead time: minimum four-weeks