Tony Gee And Partners LLP

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Who are Tony Gee and Partners LLP? 

Tony Gee and Partners LLP was founded in 1974 and currently has approximately 400 staff based in the United Kingdom and overseas. Unusually for consulting engineers, our workload is divided between the design of permanent works and the development of temporary works and construction methodology together with design of any specialist equipment necessary to build complex infrastructure projects. This combination of skills enables efficient, innovative and economical designs to be produced – a fact recognised by our involvement in major UK and international projects. 

Tony Gee has a wide range of capability within the built environment and has specialist expertise in geotechnical engineering, design and build contracts and the strengthening of existing structures using advanced composites. Our diverse experience covers all the main construction mediums and techniques in use today. Coupled with advanced design and BIM software the practice has developed a reputation in the industry for producing efficient, innovative and economic designs delivered on time. 

What projects / schemes / initiatives to support women’s recruitment, retention and progression in STEM are Tony Gee and Partners LLP involved in? 

Tony Gee and Partners LLP has been actively involved in spreading awareness of Women in Engineering and have facilitated this through a variety of initiatives and events. 

We have recently launched an Equality & Diversity Group (EDG) which encompasses all of our offices, the objective of the EDG is to ensure that ‘all of Tony Gee’s practises and procedures support equal opportunities for all employees irrespective of gender, sexuality, disability, age, ethnicity or faith and achieve a working environment which reflects the diversity of the wider society in which we exist.’ 

The launch of the group has been met with a great reception, with a number of founding members already involved in STEM initiatives gives the EDG a perfect head start. 

The Equality and Diversity Group takes inspiration from the WISE 10 Step campaign and will be implementing these ideologies in the near future. 

Recently we took part in the social media campaign for National Women in Engineering Day on June 23rd, which aimed to support, celebrate, inspire and raise the profile of women in engineering. We utilised our Twitter handle @TonyGeeLLP to take part in a Thunderclap, tweeting with the hashtag #NWED2016 throughout the day. 

Other events have included school workshops and visits from both our female and male engineers to engage and inspire young students and open them up to the idea of a future career within the engineering industry. 

Why did Tony Gee and Partners LLP join WISE? 

“By joining WISE Tony Gee is making a commitment to nurture the talents of its female workforce throughout each of their career journeys. In doing so we strive to instil a culture where realising every employee’s potential and harnessing all their experience is at the heart of our business.” 
– Chris Young, Executive Director 

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