Who are RWE Generation UK plc?
Our energy for a sustainable life
RWE has reliably supplied people and companies with electricity for more than 120 years. The way we generate power is changing fundamentally and RWE is driving this change. RWE is committed to be carbon-neutral by 2040, and generating electricity in a clean, safe and affordable way.
RWE in the UK
We operate a large and diverse portfolio of power generation assets in the UK. We are the UK’s second largest generator of thermal flexible capacity, supplying around 10% of the UK’s electricity last year with 8.6GW of installed capacity. The portfolio includes the UK’s largest fleet of gas-fired power stations, along with some coal and a small amount of biomass. Following a transaction with E.ON and integration of E.ON and innogy renewable assets, RWE will be the third largest renewable generator in UK, with a diverse portfolio of onshore wind, offshore wind and, hydro amounting to over 2.2GW.
What projects / schemes / initiatives to support women’s recruitment, retention a
nd progression in STEM are RWE Generation UK plc involved in?
RWE is committed to equal opportunities for all current and prospective employees; in recruitment and through development and progression. We use market leading software tools to ensure job adverts attract diverse qualified candidates. We have also used blind screening where possible as part of large recruitment campaigns, and provide good practice guidance to our recruiting managers, to support them with the process.
RWE supports employee run networks. Our Women’s Network is active and connected internationally. With support and input from our Women’s Network, policies such as parental leave have been reviewed and revised , and numerous external speakers have been brought in to speak on topics which colleagues are most interested in. We also actively report on our gender pay gap, communicating our results and action plan both internally and externally.
Each operating company within RWE has a Diversity Champion, responsible for driving progress, coordinating campaigns and communications, and being a point of contact for anyone with questions. We are always learning – through working with WISE and other partner organisations – and implementing changes to ensure RWE is a great place to work for all employees.
Why did RWE Generation UK plc join WISE?
“We value diversity in our organisation, and work hard to continually improve our culture of inclusion. Gender remains one of RWE’s Diversity & Inclusion focus areas. Working with WISE, we access best practice guidance. Together we drive positive change both within RWE, and also in Science and Engineering nationally.”
– Steve Duffy, HR Director, RWE Generation UK