On International Women in Engineering Day WISE celebrated the amazing work that women engineers are doing to support lives and livelihoods every day. This event aimed to shine a spotlight on inspirational engineering role models who #makesafetyseen and are helping to build towards a brighter future.

Jack Painter, Head of Products and services at WISE was joined by: Nintse Dan-The, Northrop Grumman Elizabeth Lloyd, Capgemini Sana Wajid, Network Rail Sophie Mear, PA Consulting Nintse, Northrop Grumman who gave an insightful presentation on My Skills my Life is a WISE project which aims to inspire girls towards choosing careers in STEM.

The project matches young people’s skills and interests with women role models from the STEM industry. We then celebrated the achievements of some of our engineering role models working at Network Rail, Capgemini and PA Consulting. This will be followed by a panel discussion on how organisations can attract, develop and sustain women into engineering roles.

Watch here: