The Faraday Institution

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Who are The Faraday Institution? 

The Faraday Institution is at the forefront of scientific research into new battery technology that will enable the electrification of the UK which is central to creating a more sustainable future. Seeking to develop batteries that are longer lasting, more efficient, cheaper, more powerful, safer and recyclable, the challenges are many. 

A growth field, we already have 9 major research projects led by collaborative teams working across 22 universities with over 50 industry partners. Key is attracting, recruiting and developing a dynamic and diverse workforce 

What projects / schemes / initiatives to support women’s recruitment, retention and progression in STEM are The Faraday Institution involved in? 

Across the Faraday Institution programmes, ensuring diversity is an important aim. We not only want to attract women into the field but also ensure that at every career stage they have a voice, are supported and successful. Adverts are checked to ensure they are gender neutral, guidance is given to our researchers about best practice in terms of interview panels and selection process. We set targets for the number of women we want to see in our PhD cohorts and advertise widely. The Faraday Institution run undergraduate attraction events to inspire groups under-represented in STEM including women, as well as a bursary scheme to support a number of Faraday Scholars in their studies. At our conferences and events, we ensure there is gender diversity on our speaker panels and in our presenter line up. 

Historically, the field of battery technology has been a largely male dominated environment, but we are committed to effecting change and have already taken positive steps to achieving this. 

Why did The Faraday Institution join WISE? 

“WISE is championing Women in STEM, a cause I am personally passionate about, and a key aim for the Faraday Institution in creating a dynamic and diverse pool of talent for the fields of energy storage and battery technology.” 
– Fran Long, Education and Training Lead, The Faraday Institution 

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