WISE Annual Statistics Round-Up 2024
By tracking the long-term data trends, we can get a better idea of where we are right now and where we need to be in terms of both achieving gender parity in STEM and ensuring we have the STEM talent we need in the UK to ensure productivity and economic growth.
WISE has collated a number of different large quantitative data sets. This round-up allows us to stop and reflect, and to be strategic about where we focus our energies. When looking at data taken from smaller samples, small fluctuations can take on an overinflated significance or can be misleading. But by doing a deep dive into the statistics, with a focus on looking at longer term trends, WISE tries to cut through the misinformation and to paint you a detailed and accurate picture of where we’re at right now.
By breaking down this data we have been able to isolate new, granular detail about STEM education, training and employment. This provides insights when thinking about the STEM talent pipeline, from the classroom to the boardroom.